Evidence-Based Medicine

'How to read a paper' i.e., critically apprise published literature is an esential skill for clinicians. We have assembled here a collection of free online articles on basic medical statistics, and tools and guides on how to effectively practice evidence-based medicine. There are also links to where to find evidence-based clinical guidelines.

Learning Tools for Evidence-Based Clinical Practice

EBM Teaching Tips Online

Organisations promoting Evidence-Based Practice Guidelines

Centre for Evidence Based Medicine (Toronto) 
This Toronto based organization includes tutorials, educational material, calculators and other tools for teaching and practicing EBM.

Centre for Evidence Based Medicine (Oxford)
This Oxford based organization includes tutorials, educational material, calculators and other tools for teaching and practicing EBM.

Organisations issuing Evidence-Based Practice Guidelines

National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE)
Cochrane Library
Centre for Reviews and Dissemination

Publications on Evidence-Based Medicine

Evidence-based Medicine (BMJ)
Clinical Evidence (BMJ)
Best Treatments (BMJ)
EBM Guidelines (Wiley)
MeRec (National Prescribing Centre)
Clinical Knowledge Summaries (NHS)

Evidence Based Medicine Debate

The term "evidence-based medicine" (or EBM) was introduced about ten years ago, and there has been considerable debate about the value of EBM. However, this debate has sometimes been obscured by a lack of conceptual clarity concerning the nature and status of EBM. Following artcles analyse the subject:
A philosophical analysis of the evidence-based medicine debate. Scott R Sehon and Donald E Stanley. BMC Health Services Research 2003, 3:14. [Free Full-Text]

Users'' Guides to Evidence-Based Practice

Users'' Guides to Evidence-based Practice is a complete set of articles originally published as a series in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA). The CHE continues to maintain the full text pre-publication version of this series on behalf of the Evidence-Based Medicine Working Group.

''How to read a paper'' i.e., critically apprise published literature is an esential skill for clinicians. We have assembled here a collection of free online articles on basic medical statistics, and tools and guides on how to effectively practice evidence-based medicine. There are also links to where to find evidence-based clinical guidelines.